Ali F. Ismail Apps

Chakra Doctor 1.0
Ali F. Ismail
Kick your life back into gear by balancing your chakras!Chakras influence your physical, mental, and emotional bodies.By balancing your chakras, you can improve the quality of yourlife.Use our Chakra diagnosing system to learn what area of your lifecan be improved upon.Use our Chakra Study to:Learn to become strongly rooted in your body.Find levels of joy you never knew before.Feel the empowered being you truly are.Have stronger connections and relationships with those aroundyou.Make your voice heard and stand for what you believe inLearn to instigate your intuition.Find your place in the universe.Note: This app is only a teaching tool to learn more about theIndian Chakras and how they relate to your life.We are not giving medical advice and do not hold any suchauthority. We only offer suggestions that may improve the qualityof your life.